MassCEC Blog
The Massachusetts Clean Energy Center (MassCEC) and a team of expert consultants led by Slipstream Group, Inc. are developing a set of decarbonization protocols under the MassCEC…
A ground-breaking market summary report characterizing the commercial building stock in the Commonwealth is shaping the direction of MassCEC’s newest pilot program, BETA:…
The Massachusetts Clean Energy Center’s Building Electrification and Transformation Accelerator (BETA) Commercial Buildings Pilot…
As MassCEC begins accepting applications to the second cohort of our Decarbonization Pathways Pilot, we wanted to share some updates on the first cohort. The goal of the pilot is…
El Piloto de Vías hacia la Descarbonización, un programa de MassCEC, soporta a dueños de casa en empezar eliminando el uso de combustibles fósiles en sus hogares. Participantes…
MassCEC’s Decarbonization Pathways Pilot supports homeowners in transitioning their homes away from fossil fuels. Pilot participants will receive a customized plan for their…
The New England Aquarium has been conducting aerial surveys of the waters south of Martha’s Vineyard and…
With funding from MassCEC’s Offshore…
The EmPower Massachusetts Program (EmPower) program team is excited to continue highlighting the accomplishments of our awardees through project spotlight articles. Today’s…
The offshore waters of southern New England have long supported populations of highly migratory fish species, or “HMS” for short — including sharks, tunas, and billfishes —…